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Pipeline initialisation

Workflow defines configfile config_chip.yml but it is not present or accessible.

This error occurs when the pipeline is run without a config file present in the working directory. Ensure that seqnado-config has been run before starting the pipeline and that you are in the new directory created by seqnado-config.

Follow the Pipeline Setup instructions to create a config file.

Singularity configuration

Workflow Error

Failed to pull singularity image from library://asmith151/seqnado/seqnado_pipeline:latest:
FATAL: Unable to get library client configuration:
remote has no library client (see


re-run seqnado-init: Here


apptainer remote add --no-login SylabsCloud  
apptainer remote use SylabsCloud  

Optional configuration

Can I merge multiple samples into a single sample?

Yes, you can merge multiple samples into a single sample to generate merged bigWig files and consensus peaks. To do this, you need to create a design file that specifies the samples to be merged. The design file should have a column named "merge" that specifies the samples to be merged e.g.:

sample r1 r2 deseq2 merge
rna1 /tmp/pytest-of-asmith/pytest-7/data2/2024-01-13_rna_test/rna1_2.fastq.gz /tmp/pytest-of-asmith/pytest-7/data2/2024-01-13_rna_test/rna1_1.fastq.gz control control
rna2 /tmp/pytest-of-asmith/pytest-7/data2/2024-01-13_rna_test/rna2_2.fastq.gz /tmp/pytest-of-asmith/pytest-7/data2/2024-01-13_rna_test/rna2_1.fastq.gz control control
rna3 /tmp/pytest-of-asmith/pytest-7/data2/2024-01-13_rna_test/rna3_2.fastq.gz /tmp/pytest-of-asmith/pytest-7/data2/2024-01-13_rna_test/rna3_1.fastq.gz control control
rna4 /tmp/pytest-of-asmith/pytest-7/data2/2024-01-13_rna_test/rna4_2.fastq.gz /tmp/pytest-of-asmith/pytest-7/data2/2024-01-13_rna_test/rna4_1.fastq.gz treated treated
rna5 /tmp/pytest-of-asmith/pytest-7/data2/2024-01-13_rna_test/rna5_2.fastq.gz /tmp/pytest-of-asmith/pytest-7/data2/2024-01-13_rna_test/rna5_1.fastq.gz treated treated
rna6 /tmp/pytest-of-asmith/pytest-7/data2/2024-01-13_rna_test/rna6_2.fastq.gz /tmp/pytest-of-asmith/pytest-7/data2/2024-01-13_rna_test/rna6_1.fastq.gz treated treated